Jindara has an expansive range of high quality woodheaters in styles to suit every home and provide families with a vibrant heat source that can be counted upon during the peak of winter
Jindara Woodheating has been a market leader for more than 25 years with an established Australia wide network of dealers that provide superior sales, installation and servicing.
Our heaters are proudly made and manufactured in Australia and have earned their strong reputation through consistent high quality, and proven performance.
AF Gason Pty Ltd, the parent company of Jindara Woodheating is a family owned company spanning three generations. As well as woodheating, Gason is well known for its innovative agricultural farm equipment and diverse manufacturing expertise for several well-known Australian companies.
Location 1:
10 Little Brunswick St
Orange, NSW 2800
Location 2:
13 Corporation Avenue,
Bathurst NSW 2795